Seattle Children’s Hospital
Home » Installations » Seattle Children’s Hospital

Equipment Installed
Room 1
Two plate Shimadzu RADspeed Auto DR system with Canon wireless technology
Portables Sold
3 Shimadzu Evolutions, 1 Shimadzu Evo EFX
Canon DR Plates
14 Canon CXDI DR plates
Our Experience
Children’s hospital is currently ranked as one of the top 10 children’s hospitals in America by U.S. News & World Report. Children’s Seattle currently has 356 beds with an expansion plan to reach 650 beds by 2020.
We were selected for the new building hope project, which included a RADspeed Auto for the new ER wing and an upgrade to a Phillips R/F system. We installed a RADspeed Auto system with auto-tracking in the department of Orthopedics at the Seattle Campus.
Children’s Seattle has three KLAS awarded Shimadzu Evolution portables and recently installed our first Shimadzu Evo EFX portable. Currently, Seattle Children’s has 14 Canon CXDI DR panels.
Through our experience working with the dedicated staff at Children’s, we have built custom technique charts based on weight and EI numbers. We have continuously strived to lower the dose to the children through quality assurance and working with their staff and radiologists. Children’s has many technologists who have been through our super user training program. The training emphasized the imaging gently guidelines. “Image Gently” is the trademark of The Alliance for Radiation Safety in Pediatric Imaging. The Alliance for Radiation Safety in Pediatric Imaging began as a committee within the Society for Pediatric Radiology in late 2006. The Alliance’s goal is to change practice by raising awareness of the opportunities to lower radiation dose in the imaging of children.